Saturday, 16 November 2013

Make-up ideas for the Victim and Villain

                        Make-up Ideas For The Victim

This is the pallet that was brought to use to create the make-up designs. This has all of the colours needed, plus extra and it has brushes included. It also includes fake blood if I wanted to use it as well as mini lipsticks and eyeliners.

This is the look that I am going to do for the victim. These photos underneath will show the stages that I will go through in order to create the look. I decided to go for this look because it made her look like she had been crying because she is worrying and scared. It is bold therefore the audience will be able to see it, so it will be effective to use. This make up fitted well with the time that we have set our horror movie as well.

Step One.

I will start by applying white face paint to look like the victim was over scared and worried by her situation. I will also apply a bit of white face paint down her neck and fade it out because it will then look more natural and like it isn't make-up. I will add the face paint with the sponge, so that it will be more even and there will less likely to be more whiter sections on her face. I don't want there to be more whiter sections on her face because it will then look unrealistic.

Step Two.

I will then add red lipstick to the lips. I will get her to bring her own Lipstick because I then know it will suit her well. I want her to have red lip stick on because it will then make her have more of a seductive side to her, even though she is portrayed as being innocent because she has to have used men in some way or another for him to have wanted to kill her. I will also then ask her to bring her own mascara and eyeliner. I will draw some eyeliner down her face and then smudge it with our finger to get the look that it has run down her face. The eyeliner will also be applied on the eye with the mascara too.

The Idea We Aren't Using.

There was another bit I did add to try it out. I decided not to use this idea though because I felt it didn't look realistic but it looked more like we had over done. It also didn't look very good either because having the lipstick smudged down the face because it just looks too messy and immature. The lipstick would not smudge if someone cried anyway, so therefore the audience could get confused as to why they had lipstick smudged on their face.


                      Make-Up Ideas For The Villain


Make-up ideas for the Villain

The make-up for the villain is pretty simple. I will have the villain having a pure white face and having dark around the eyes. This will make him look evil and it will stand out and contrast with his outfit which is going to be a suit and top hat.

To do the white face, I am going to have the white face paint I brought, and apply it to his face. This will make him look scary and like he is ill. I will apply it with the sponge so that it is even all over his face, so it looks more realistic.

To do the eye, I am going to apply black eye shadow around the eye, so there is a black circle around each eye. This will make the villain's eyes more defined and look bigger, as well as making him look spooky and evil to the audience. It also looks like he hasn't been sleeping well or hasn't had much sleep, showing to the audience that he isn't normal or that he was stressing about his escape.

My inspiration came from the film 'Dark Shadows - 2012'. Johnny Depp's character's make-up is like the make-up I want for my villain. His character's make up looks scary and has the pale face and the dark eyes.

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