Editing Of 'The Devil Inside' Scene We Recreated

Firstly, we opened 'Windows Live Movie Maker' which will be the program we are going to use to edit our video. We clicked on home and then clicked the add videos and images button to import our video clips. We added our video clips from the shared area and put them in order that they were filmed in so that the film flowed.

Next we had to make our first clip shorter. We decided to make this clip shorter because it ran for too long and it was unnecessary for the film. We did this by running the first clip for just over one second and then I clicked the split button. By doing that, the two shots split in two and we then could delete the part that we no longer wanted which then made the clip the length we wanted.

The next clip then didn't follow the original scene because it started to follow up the arm before it was suppose to. We decided the cut the clip just after Charlie had said her line so that the next clip followed on after and looked it looked more effective. We did this the same way by splitting the clip and deleting the bit we didn't need.

The final clip we split was the last clip where Rachel screams. We split this because Rachel started to laugh near the end and it became less effective and would give a comical element which we didn't want. So, we decided to split it just before she started to laugh and then deleted it meaning that the last bit the audience would see would be scary rather than comical.
Sound effects.
There wasn't any sound effects or music in the scene we had recreated, so to make our scene look more like the actual scene, we too didn't add any sound effects or music. This also added more tension to the scene because it added eerie silences to the clip and made the audience focus more on what was actually happening in the scene.
An impressive reflection on the task of shooting and editing the recreation. Good imitation of camera angles, sound and dialogue showing clear understanding of the purpose and effect of techniques.