Age Ratings.
Most horror films are set at the age rating between 15 and 18, with a few such as "The Others" (2001) and "The Women in black"(2012) being a rating of 12. This means that the audience profile for horror movies are already limited to people usually over the ages of 15 years old.
Audience Profile For Horror Genre.
After some research on what age range mostly watch horror movies, the majority of the answers were around 15 to 25. Teenagers are a good target audience for horror films because some of the teenagers that watch horror movies are naive when it comes to what is real and what is not. Teenagers often prefer to watch things that make them jump and that give them a thrill, where as people in their 30's onwards generally don't see the point in watching something that will give you nightmares or something that is not real.
Depending on what the horror movie is about, they would attract different genders to watch. Horror movies with more blood and gore movies to do with zombies generally get more males over the age of 18 years old watching them because women generally do not like watching blood and gore or zombies that go around earth killing people and horror movies that include blood and gore are usually a 18 age certificate, therefore not as many younger boys watch them, but some ignore the age certificate and watch them anyway.
Women mostly prefer to watch the horror movies that are to do with ghosts or paranormal theories, that are sometimes based on true stories. This type of horror movie appeals more to women then men because women believe it more then men and that type of film are more likely not to have killings involved. They also get a thrill from being spooked, especially if they are with a group of friends that also are watching it.
Overall, the horror genre appeals more to men because they are the gender that likes to think they can't get scared very easily. It is also a movie that they would be able to watch without girls because a horror film isn't a typical date film, so the men could go as a group together without any girls. But some males do like to go to see a horror film with girls because they can protect the girl and show off their masculinity, because they 'cannot get scared' by a horror movie easily.
The audience profile for my opening is around 15-23 because after researching audience profiles for horror genre, I felt this is the correct age group for my opening. I feel that my opening will appeal to both males and females because of the storyline not being biased towards one specific gender. If I were to certificate this film, I would certificate it as a 15, because if it was to carry on past the opening it would have disturbing scenes that could scare people below the age of 15.
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